Diversify Your Income
[2021 Edition]
The new world we live in sees you in a different way. Your skills & abilities, your product knowledge, your local insights and even your qualifications.
Join me for a week-long free
LIVE Masterclass from the
15th-20th August 2021
(7pm to 8pm CAT daily)
Oops sorry, did you miss those dates? That’s okay, we’ve got you covered, the video replays and worksheets are still available for your use! Register below, we’ll send you an email and you’ll be able to access them!
We will break down how you can use the skills & passions you have already to find your place online and discover what opportunities there are out there for you.
Complete The Registration
Form Below
Frequently Asked Questions
I have a demanding full-time job, can I participate whilst still going to work?
Yes, you will be able to watch the sessions live or watch the recording after the event has taken place. Make sure you join the free Facebook group so that you can gain access.
How will the Masterclass be delivered?
Each evening we will deliver a MasterClass session via Facebook Live & Zoom. The sessions are 100% free to attend.
What is the Masterclass Structure?
Each evening we will focus on one aspect around the journey of discovering what skills you have already that you can take advantage of and make an income online.
Will I be able to invite a friend?
Yes, you can, simply send them a link to this page so that they can register and attend.
Do I need to know about internet business to apply?
No, you do not need to be an online expert to attend. Everything will be broken down so that you can understand it with ease.
How This Came Together
Last year we ran a similar programme. It was massively successful with thousands of individuals attending the free sessions. This year we are going even bigger.
Here is what some of the participants had to say last year
Introducing Your Expert Coach!
This workshop would not be possible without my good friend & Business Coach Simon Kaguramamba. He is an Award-Winning Technology & Online Business Entrepreneur who has been operating in the Online Business arena for over 20 years.
In August 2020, we held a session called “Discover The Secrets Behind How Others Are Making Money Online in 2020” which has now been watched by thousands of people. If you missed it, it’s a must-watch!
Using what he has learnt, he now runs a successful portfolio of online businesses ranging from small niche money-making blog websites to high end EduTech Software platforms with customers in over 45 different countries around the world. He has also recently launched an exciting new initiative called the Africa 1K Challenge which is designed to help 1 Million Young People Across Africa learn and understand how to harness the power of the internet and start making USD$1000 per month online.